Star Citizen is a space combat-based game developed and published by Cloud Imperium Games. The game was released in October 2015 to mixed feedbacks, but has since become one of the most successful crowdfunded projects ever. As Star Citizen continues development, we will see where it goes next and how blockchain technology could change gaming forever.
Star Citizen is a game that has been in development for a long time, and it will be released in the future. The game is set in space, and it features a variety of different ships that players can pilot. Read more in detail here: star citizen how to get into space.
With Star Citizen, there’s a lot happening on… We have the IAE, which is perhaps the most important event of the year, 3.15 has been released, 3.15.1 is on the PTU with a slew of new features, and CI has detailed plans for Server Meshing and the future of space warfare… This video is a recap of the week’s highlights, which you will most likely not want to miss.
Star Citizen Alpha 3.15 is now available for download… But there isn’t enough time…
The IAE 2951 begins on November 19th and ends on December 1st… with a FreeFly, an Expo at New Babbage, New Ships, Ship Sales, and more. With that, we’ll have Alpha 3.15.1, which I’m now playing on the PTU… Our tours of the Ares Starfighters and the Redeemer are available as videos.
Aside from those ships and the IAE, the patch includes a few more features that are currently being tested on the PTU:
MicroTech is surrounded by volumetric clouds.
Inventory-related enhancements
Improvements to the Medical Tool’s User Interface
Loreville’s Guards wear the incredible Quirinus Armor.
PLUS a slew of bug fixes and performance enhancements
There was another PTU patch that included CI as well.
The Ares Ion weapon has been tweaked, making it quicker to fire but decreasing its damage.
Also polishing the Redeemer… Making things brighter in the literal sense.
Modifying shield settings to make the performance differential between all ships less noticeable.
Inside The Future of Space Combat in Star Citizen
The Vehicle Experience team has been working on the future of Space Combat, taking into account all of the elements that have shown to be successful and popular. They also spoke with a number of professionals and specialists in the field of dogfighting.
Combat’s objectives are to make meaningful decisions based on facts and feedback, and the player will be forced to make crucial decisions.
Every ship, equipment, weapon component, and vehicle in the game should have a specific function.
It’s crucial to customize your ship and how you utilize it in the circumstance you’re in. Certain pieces of equipment have restrictions and flaws.
They also want everything to appear realistic while avoiding too much metagaming.
They attempted to develop a new combat basis in Star Citizen 3.14, which was further polished in 3.15. Before adding more to it, I’m stripping everything down to concentrate on the fundamentals of battle.
All ships are allocated to a certain archetype, each with its own set of strengths and limitations, and multi-crew is a key aspect.
They’re also defining weapon archetypes, of which there are presently just two… anti-fighter and anti-large-ship, however this will be extended in the future.
In the near term, shields have been simplified and made more readable at a glance.
Capacitor Gameplay, which is comparable to stamina, has been introduced… It offers you boosts to your systems when you need them, and you can use it efficiently.
Plans for the near future
G-force Exhaustion — Certain maneuvers and spins can wear your pilot out, and you’ll have to control this, particularly after protracted battles.
Anti-Infantry, Anti-Missile, Suppression Weapons, Hybrid or General Use Weapons are among the new weapon archetypes.
They also aim to adjust weaponry for ship loadouts, thus certain ships will become more specialized by default once again.
Shield Variance — After unifying all shield sizes in 3.14, we began to see differences in shields again in 3.15. They want to make the shields more diversified once again, but they don’t want there to be too much of a difference between shield kinds within the same size range.
Power Triangle – This helps players focus energy and capacitors, but they want it to be a nonlinear system; adding power to weapons in the future may affect turrets; 3.15 added minimum regen even without power triangle assignment, so the systems will still work even if you have 100% in something else; 3.15 added minimum regen even without power triangle assignment, so the systems will still work even if you have 100% in something else.
Flight Tuning – The existing flight tuning isn’t working for them. The ships were driven towards their archetypes by Alpha 3.14 and.15. They want greater variation between the ships in these areas, as well as the ability to retune them realistically while also giving them personality; this will be part of a lengthy process. The key objective is to have fun and enjoy yourself.
IFCS Trimming — This feature is presently under development and is primarily intended for Dual Stick users, enabling one stick to be configured as a “sticky” throttle.
Users using the Mouse and Keyboard, on the other hand, will be able to employ a relative throttle.
Auto-gimbals were modified in Gunnery – 3.15… They don’t want it to be a skill bridge, so they’re looking at how it can be used and balanced.
They also want the ability to turn off all assistance if desired.
For version 3.16, staggered fire groups will be included, which will stagger between weapon kinds.
They’re looking at turrets; they want them to be strong, so they could add bonuses when guns are attached, but they’re also looking at shared capacitors with the pilot and the rest of the ship…
Longer-Term Strategies
They prefer low-speed battle at close ranges and shun super-fast long-range warfare. They’re seeking for alternatives.
Physical armor and ballistic ammo management will undergo adjustments in the future.
They want an EMP Operator Mode, which sounds eerily similar to e-war.
They discussed Flak as a weapon type that might be used for defense, missile destruction, and fighter repell.
They are developing AI Flight Maneuvers.
They also intend to have more complex capacitor gaming, although this will be contingent on the completion of other goals first.
Static Server Meshing is scheduled for as early as Q3 next year AND there are loads of specifics regarding how player caps will increase and sharding will operate. There was a Q&A on Server Meshing, and I’ve done a video description of it that will be coming out at some point this weekend.
Gavin Rothery, the Concept Artist for Star Citizen, was featured in a Star Citizen Live.
For Star Citizen, he has designed over 20 vehicles. He’s worked on a slew of other IPs in the past. However, it was primarily a fluff and random conversation episode.
This week’s Sneak Peek is, I’m guessing, some Pyro System ambient space?
That concludes this week’s Summary…
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