Batting Tips in MLB The Show 21

MLB The Show 21 is released and we would like to share some basic batter tips that we think will help you. When we talk about batting, we can never truly pinpoint one specific reason for success or failure in the game. There are many variables such as timing, gloving, and positioning which play a role in coming up with successful results. In this article, we will touch on a few of the most important aspects that can help your trainee become a great hitter.

The first thing to remember about batting is that it’s all about timing! Without proper timing you’ll never be able to put some good wood on the ball. The best way to improve your batting timing is with repetition. You can increase your timing by taking practice swings before every pitch in order to get in the right mindset for batting. Practising swinging in front of a mirror is also beneficial in that you can see if you’re dropping the bat head (and subsequently losing power). To help with timing, try standing closer to home plate when hitting grounders and short line drives. This will give you more time to hit the ball, and if timed correctly should allow for harder shots.

How do you dive in mlb the show 21

The next thing we’ll touch on is glove positioning. The best way to improve your batting glove positioning, aside from practice, is watching the position of the pitcher’s back foot as they are winding up. You want to move your glove so it’s directly over the plate when the pitcher’s back foot makes contact with the ground. This gives you a better chance of putting the barrel of the bat on the ball and potentially sending it deep. Glove positioning can also help with timing, as if your glove is over the plate when the pitcher’s foot makes contact, you’ll know exactly where to swing.

The next important thing to keep in mind while batting is that there are many ways to hit a baseball. Many beginners think that swinging up or down is bad, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re able to loop the ball over an infielders head, then by all means do it! Good hitters don’t try and force their way through every at bat and should be capable of hitting both high and low pitches. To hit a high pitch try using a slight uppercut, and for a low ball you’ll want to use the opposite swing path – this will help keep your barrel of the bat on the ball.

When batting, it’s important to focus on the ball and keep your eye on it

If you can’t focus on the ball try closing your non-swing eye. If you’ve practised enough and still have trouble, then maybe it’s time to use a batting aid such as Eye Line or ULTZ Baseball. Keeping your eyes on the ball will help give you a better chance of hitting it squarely, with a good amount of power.

What is a good batting average in MLB the show 21?

The last thing we’ll touch on for this article about batting tips is glove positioning. The best way to improve your batting glove positioning, aside from practice, is watching the position of the pitcher’s back foot as they are winding up. You want to move your glove so it’s directly over the plate when the pitcher’s back foot makes contact with the ground. This gives you a better chance of putting the barrel of the bat on the ball and potentially sending it deep. Glove positioning can also help with timing, as if your glove is over the plate when the pitcher’s foot makes contact, you’ll know exactly where to swing.


There are many variables such as timing, gloving, and positioning which play a role in coming up with successful results. In this article, we will touch on a few of the most important aspects that can help your trainee become a great hitter. The first thing to remember about batting is that it’s all about timing! Without proper timing a player will have a hard time making solid contact. The best way to improve your timing is with repetition and practice, if you can increase your bat speed by taking extra swings before every at bat, not only will it help you get in the right mindset for batting but also give you a chance to work on your swing mechanics.