This is an interesting question because the answer really depends on who you ask. From my perspective, if today was a Tuesday and I asked this question, it would be November 9th of last year.
Can a pregnant woman give birth at 36 weeks?
This is a difficult question to answer. It depends on the womans health and how far along she is in her pregnancy. Typically, 36 weeks is considered full-term, but it can vary depending on the womans health and other factors.
What’s happening at 36 weeks pregnant?
At 36 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the size of a lemon. Your uterus has grown to accommodate your growing baby and you may feel pressure or pain in your lower back. You may also have some light spotting or bleeding.
Why is June called June?
June is named after the month in which it falls. It is also called June because it was originally the sixth month of the old Roman calendar, and was later renamed to July by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.
Who named September?
September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It was named after Caesar Augustus, who became Roman Emperor in 27 BC and reigned until his death in 14 AD.
How do I know my baby is coming?
You can tell your baby is coming by the way that you feel. The first sign of labor is usually a strong urge to go to the bathroom, and then you may notice contractions. If you are in early labor, you may also experience back pain or pelvic pressure.
When can a baby be born and survive?
This is a difficult question to answer. It varies from person to person and depends on many factors. The average time for a baby to survive outside the womb is about 3-4 months, but it can be as short as 2 weeks or as long as 8 years!