The Best Zyra Skins in League of Legends (All Ranked) –

Riot Games released the first ever champion skin in League of Legends, and to this day they have continued to release new skins for their players. Zyra is a fun support-type character that can be used by anyone regardless of skill level due to her unique kit, which includes both healing and damage output. This list contains ranked skins only so you won’t see any cheap ones here!

The “best zyra skin 2021” is a list of the best Zyra skins in League of Legends. The list includes all ranked skins.

The Best Zyra Skins in League of Legends (All Ranked) –

The appeal of Zyra is that you can play as a support while outdamaging both your ADC and mid-laner.

However, with such an antiquated character model, shooting people into oblivion isn’t all that much fun.

As a result, let the skins fly!

We’ll examine all of Zyra’s cosmetics and rate them according to pricing, features, and general attractiveness.


7. Zyra SKT T1

SKT T1 Zyra Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

On the 4th of May, 2014, the film was released. The cost is 750 RP.

If you’ve ever seen a Zyra skin other than this one, you’ll understand why it’s at the bottom of the list.

It’s the only Zyra skin that doesn’t include any new animations or particles. That’s also why it’s the least expensive of the group.

And the basic model is just mediocre.

I understand that Riot can’t go completely insane while creating a Worlds skin. This one, on the other hand, is woefully disappointing.

She lacks sufficient Gfuel energy to feel like a true gamer. She also doesn’t seem to be lethal enough to be a true champion.

You could obtain this skin as a memento, but I don’t understand why you’d want to use it otherwise.


6. Zyra of the Wildfire

Wildfire Zyra Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

On the 24th of July, 2012, the film was released. The price is 975 RP.

This rating may seem like sacrilege to any Zyra veterans, since this skin has been the go-to for so long.

And, although I respect its history, I can’t claim that it measures up to today’s standards.

With new animations and particles at such a cheap price, Wildfire Zyra provides a lot of value. However, the final product may need a little more polish.

The color scheme is just too bold for my liking. It also stands out like a sore thumb against the green background, making it an eyesore as well as a gaming disadvantage.

Unlike all of the skins that followed, the plants themselves don’t have a distinctive design. Furthermore, the character model is pretty mediocre.

This skin has a very cool concept, in my opinion. It also comes with a lot of value for the money.

However, you can tell it’s old.


5. Zyra Crystal Rose

Crystal Rose Zyra Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

On February 11th, 2021, the film will be released. 1350 RP is the price.

You’d think a skin-care brand named after the word “rose” would be ideal for Zyra.

Nonetheless, something is odd here.

Let’s start with the advantages.

The splash image and background animation are excellent, demonstrating that Zyra is one with nature, not simply plants.

Her flower bulbs and Q flowers are exquisitely created, and the roses are just stunning.

Then there’s the bad news.

For me, the character model is a little too bland and human. I couldn’t tell you which champion she was intended to symbolize if it weren’t for her powers, and that’s never a good indication.

Her talents are perhaps a little too showy. Since a result, you’ll be at a little disadvantage while using this skin, as your opponents will be more likely to notice your bulbs or E.

Finally, in comparison to the rest of Zyra’s lineup, it’s a little thematically uninteresting.

Overall, this is a good skin, but it isn’t the greatest.


4. Nightmare in the City of Crime Zyra

Crime City Nightmare Zyra Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The film will be released on August 26th, 2021. 1350 RP is the price.

On this one, the Zyra community was split.

It has some extremely unique design choices, but when you consider the price, it seems a little lackluster.

On the bright side, I like the aesthetic:

The evil-looking design that appears in both Zyra’s character model and her plants is stunning. And, perhaps, this skin has the finest ult animation– those eyes freak me out.

However, in comparison to other high-end skins, the plant design is a little sparse. Some Zyra skins fully remodel the plants, giving them new forms and motions, as we’ll see in the next sections… This one, on the other hand, feels like a lovely layer of paint over the basic skin.

So, if you don’t like skins that go overboard with alterations and would rather have a little “wow factor” added to the original concept, this is the skin for you.

But, if that’s not the case, let’s continue.


3. Zyra the Haunted

Haunted Zyra Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: October 29th, 2013 1350 RP is the price.

I have to like the fact that such an ancient skin attempted such a bold design!

In a Plants vs. Zombies game, you actually swap sides and start generating ghouls all over the place — and I love it.

The character model is suitably eerie, with subtle touches like shattered angel wings and blazing eyes to add to her menacing appearance. The flora are really stunning.

This skin’s bulbs are also my all-time favorites. They’re little gravestones with roots flowing through them, merging the new eerie motif with the old plant idea.

The E plants are basically full-on zombie hands practicing for the next slapping event, while the Q plants are some spitting zombies.

They may be a little clumsy at times, but the design is so unique and unusual that I had to include it here.


Zyra, the Dragon Sorceress

Dragon Sorceress Zyra Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The 9th of March, 2017 was the date of publication. 1350 RP is the price.

What could possibly be cooler than zombies?

Dragons, that’s correct.

And Dragon Sorceress Zyra follows in the footsteps of her predecessor, rebuilding everything to suit a single theme. In this instance, we’re trying for “everything dragon.”

Your bulbs are dragon eggs, which seems like a reasonable assumption. Your Q and E plants, on the other hand, are merely various kinds of dragons.

Their patterns are very intricate, and they exude a frightening vibe. You wouldn’t walk into a lane crawling with these individuals without first penning your will, would you?

The character model is also quite good, with not only excellent fan service but also some cool dragon features such as wings, horns, and scale boots.

Bonus points if she really used the dragon wings in her recall video.

Zyra, the Dragon Sorceress, is an obvious S-tier selection that just misses out on the top place because to meta-gaming concerns (this skin is extremely bright and easy to spot).


1. Zyra’s Coven

Coven Zyra Skin Splash Image from League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

On April 16th, 2020, the film will be released. 1350 RP is the price.

Coven Zyra just makes you feel like the queen, with all the perks it entails.

The character model is certainly top-notch, with raven feathers and gold armor combining to make you appear like a genuine goddess.

This time, your plants are stylised avian monsters that have come from the depths of hell. Both the Q and E plants have a sleek design, with the E being my personal favorite since you get stork pecked to death.

The Q crows are also great, but the storks are my favorite.

The splash image is also a good match for the design. In addition, the backdrop animation adds a layer of mystery and intrigue to the skin, which is always welcome in a League skin.

Personally, I don’t like for the Prestige version since I believe the skin is intended to be black and rough.

The Prestige version, on the other hand, will get you where you need to go if you want to emphasis monarchy over coolness.

Note that this material was made utilizing Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy and Riot Games’ assets. This project is neither endorsed or sponsored by Riot Games.

Watch This Video-

The “zyra skin overview” is a blog post that details the best Zyra skins in League of Legends. The article will also include links to all ranked skins for Zyra.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Haunted Zyra a good skin?

A: Yes, I believe that Haunted Zyra is a good skin.

How many Zyra skins are there?

A: There is no official count of how many Zyra skins have been created, however, there are a lot.

How do you get ZYRA in coven?

A: In order to get a ZYRA, you need to complete all the Coven levels.

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  • zyra skins ranked
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