The Ultimate Ranking is a website dedicated to ranking the best games of all time. Our list features 100 top titles and we rate them on five categories: Graphics, Sound Design, Gameplay, Storytelling and Innovation (and sometimes more).

The “panda global rankings” is a ranking system that was created by the panda app. The system ranks games based on popularity and engagement.

Toonami has been on the air for a long time. And, at this time, it has become synonymous with discovering new anime, particularly in English.

It’s how many anime lovers got their start, viewing Dragon Ball as a youngster and then exploring what other series are available. In the early 2000s, Toonami debuted, and the rest is history…

I still feel nostalgic anytime I see TOM and hear his cool voice, and I remember how I used to wait for the block to turn on when I got home from school.

If you ever want to persuade a buddy to try anime, chances are you’ll show them a program that has shown on Toonami.

Yes, there are a lot of them, and many of them are of high quality.

In fact, there are so many great series on Toonami that I decided to compile this gigantic list of the finest anime the channel has ever shown.


30. Inuyasha (Japanese: Inuyasha)

I had no choice but to start with a classic.

Inuyasha is known for the main character, a powerful wolf spirit, and a compelling love story between the protagonists.

It made this an excellent introduction to anime for those who want more than simply action in their programs, while also providing stunning graphics and character designs.


29. FLCL

FLCL anime screenshot

FLCL is one of those programs that I don’t see discussed much these days.

It’s a pity, since it’s a fantastic animation.

Gainax is regarded as one of the industry’s best, and it’s easy to understand why.

Haruko’s appealing character design, along with Naota’s traditional coming-of-age narrative, makes for a perfect formula for a classic.


Sailor Moon (#28)

Sailor Moon anime

Almost every anime fan has heard of Sailor Moon at some point.

And everyone who has seen it has a favorite Sailor Scout character. (Sailor Mercury is my.)

This program has a unique quality to it, particularly given that, despite its main female focus, it has managed to connect with a wide range of individuals.

There’s a lot to like about this place:

A fun narrative about schoolgirls by day/superheroes by night, with a catchy theme song, memorable transformation scenes, dazzling graphics, and a fun story about schoolgirls by day/superheroes by night.

Sailor Moon is a lot of fun.


Zatch Bell, number 27!

Zatch Bell! screenshot

Zatch Bell, also known as Konjiki no Gash Bell, was always a childhood favorite of mine.

In my early adolescence, I discovered that the Japanese version of the narrative was complete.

So what other option did I have but to binge-watch it all?

Surprisingly, it was this program that first drew me to JoJo’s after hearing about how similar the spirits’ idea was to Stands.

To be honest, the intriguing notion of a collection of small spirits who are fueled by magical books given to selected users was enough to persuade me to see this action comedy.


The Prince of Tennis (number 26)

The Prince of Tennis anime

The program that sparked many people’s interest in sports anime, including mine.

Prince of Tennis is jam-packed with action anime-style special techniques.

It’s also packed with a delightful tale about a tennis prodigy discovering that he still has a lot of potential to improve in the sport, and it’s a joy to see him master new tactics.

This is also one of the greatest ways to get started with the sports anime genre.

So, if you’re looking to dip your toes into the world of tennis without going overboard, Prince of Tennis is a wonderful place to start.


Pokémon #25

Pokémon anime screenshot

It’d be difficult to trust any anime fan who said they hadn’t seen at least one episode of this massive series…

At the very least, you’ve played one of the games.

I’m sure there were many of youngsters who would fervently sing along to the theme whenever it was played – and even fantasize of being a master one day.

But, let’s be honest, let’s not go any farther.

Who doesn’t like the visual extravaganza of Pokémon battles?

Yes, this is a noteworthy addition to Toonami’s extensive roster.


Soul Eater (number 24)

Soul Eater anime

There aren’t many programs that can claim to have such a distinct style as Soul Eater.

It’s most likely one of the first things you notice about this show.

The cast of eccentric and incredibly enjoyable to watch characters, each with an excellent character design, would be the second thing you’d notice, enticing a lot of anime lovers into the more strange episodes it has to offer.

If you haven’t already, you should definitely give it a go.


Yu-Gi-Oh! 23.

Yu-Gi-Oh! anime screenshot

In the schoolyard debates about whether Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh was the superior game, I was one of the few who preferred Duel Monsters’ plot.

Yugi’s quest to come to terms with his inner Pharoah and evolve into a decent duelist is fascinating to see.

It was all quite interesting to me.

I’m a sucker for tales of young kids who learn to step out of the shadows of individuals they once idolized.

Yu-Gi-Oh! is one of those anime, which is shocking.


Assassination Classroom (number 22)

Assassination Classroom anime

Here’s a program with a really interesting concept: it’s all about learning how to murder in the most creative and surprising ways possible.

After all, in order to pass, our kids must murder their instructor.

Apart from the characters, who are usually my favorites, I believe the most appealing aspect of this anime is witnessing all of the antics that the students get up to while attempting to complete their syllabus.


Hunter x Hunter (number 21)

Hunter x Hunter screenshot

When it comes to intriguing planets with even more complex magic systems, Hunter x Hunter is one of the best.

And, if you haven’t already, it’s a must-see.

I put off watching this program for a while since I was catching up on a few other long-running series.

But the first show on Toonami caught my curiosity enough for me to return week after week.

It’s still considered one of the best.


Hellsing Ultimate is the twenty-first game in the Hellsing series.

Hellsing Ultimate anime

Vampire anime series are always entertaining.

Hellsing is unquestionably one of the greatest shows demonstrating this.

Hellsing satisfied the right itch I needed while waiting between seasons, especially since Castlevania had really rekindled my love of vampire fiction in recent years.


Michiko and Hatchin are 19 years old.

Michiko and Hatchin anime

Stories about a mother and her adoptive kid have a certain warmth to them.

Especially when the mother figure is a badass in her own right.

I’d never heard of this treasure until I saw advertising for it on Toonami late at night, and I’m overjoyed about it.

This one combines some of my favorite anime character designs and locales with a fun criminal thriller set on the run.

So, if you haven’t seen it yet, now is the time to do so.


Rurouni Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin) (Rurouni Kens

Rurouni Kenshin anime screenshot

An assassin atones for his misdeeds amid a battle in this classic wandering narrative.

In addition, Rurouni Kenshin embodies the essence of several samurai films about noble travels.

It has some of the classic warrior stereotypes as well as gorgeous vistas of the Japanese countryside.

So it’s simple to see why it’s one of Japan’s top 100 most popular manga series.


17. Titanic Assault

Attack on Titan anime

In today’s world, it’s difficult to become a legendary program.

Many of the unusual concepts have been implemented or are currently being implemented… Attack on Titan, on the other hand, was a huge hit when it first came out.

You were either there to see it when it first aired or when it eventually returned after a lengthy gap between seasons one and two.

Whatever your feelings about it, it’s difficult to dispute the magnitude of the spectacle.


JoJo’s Strange Adventure is the sixteenth installment in the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure screenshot

JJBA is best described in one word: memes.

Let’s be honest, let’s be fully honest…

There are so many JoJo memes out there that we all know at least one.

But, apart from the ironic humor that surrounds the play, there’s a lot to enjoy here:

There’s a diverse cast of individuals that evolve with each installment, as well as breathtaking settings to explore and various distinct storylines to discover.

If you don’t like one aspect of Jojo’s, chances are you’ll appreciate another.


Gurren Lagann (#15)

Gurren Lagann anime screenshot

Fight the powers that be, and never allow anybody tell you that you can’t achieve your goals.

Simon’s tale is one that pulls at the emotions on a regular basis.

From beginning to end, following his journey from a bashful youngster who loves nothing more than to dig to a man who is prepared to go to any length to preserve the planet against the odds is inspirational and fascinating.


Kill la Kill is number fourteen.

Kill la Kill anime

If Gurren Lagann’s strategy is to combat the power, Kill la Kill’s is “don’t lose your path.”

You must maintain your focus on what you believe in.

You cannot be swayed by power and allowed to be ruled by it.

Ryuko and Satsuki’s rivalry is one of my favorites in anime, thanks to spectacular graphics and fantastic music everytime they collide.

And, just to keep any angry fans at bay:

I like both Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann equally, but I first watched Kill la Kill, which is why it is ranked #1 on my list.


Megalobox (#13)

Megalobox anime screenshot

After hearing the notion of Megalobox, I’d planned to watch it for a long.

And, being a major fan of Hajime no Ippo, it was virtually mandatory for me to see it.

It wasn’t until I was lying in bed one night and watched an episode of it on Toonami that I became interested in it.

And the animation style, which is reminiscent of the 1990s, is quite appealing.

I don’t have a lot of nostalgia for 90s anime since I just started watching it in the 2010s.

But this series nails the aesthetic in one of the finest ways conceivable, making it seem like a modern-day re-imagining of a classic.


12. Dandy in Space

Space Dandy anime

This is one of the few programs that was published in English first, despite the fact that it was still a dub over the original Japanese audio, which makes it even more rare.

It was the first time I saw one of Watanabe’s masterpieces while it was still showing on Toonami, rather than after it had concluded its run.

And let me tell you, it was well worth your time.


My Hero Academia (#11)

My Hero Academia screenshot

Few programs are able to make practically every character design a complete success.

My Hero Academia has style in both its heroes and antagonists.

It’s not simply the characters who are attractive.

The action sequences are also a sight to see, showcasing all of the heroes and villains’ abilities in inventive and entertaining ways to keep each episode fresh.


One Punch Man is number ten.

One Punch Man anime

One Punch Man is a film about the effect of being a hero and what it means to a person.

Saitama entered the industry just for the sake of having fun, but with crazy power comes insane responsibility.

As he begins to witness the globe being assailed by more and larger dangers, that is a duty he must begin to contemplate.

One of the most intriguing aspects about One Punch Man is that it isn’t actually about whether he will win the battle. But it’s more about the effect something has and how people respond to it.


Dragon Ball Z (season 9)

Dragon Ball Z anime screenshot

You’ve never seen shounen without hearing about Dragon Ball Z, the current shounen’s forefather.

Super Saiyans and Ultra Instinct are well-known.

And we’re all familiar with the season-long screaming scenes.

But there’s a reason why Dragon Ball Z is remembered so warmly.

It features a fantastic cast of characters and an unforgettable environment that every fan will remember fondly.

Though I really wish Goku wasn’t the story’s be-all and end-all… But, with that stated, I believe everyone had a chance to shine.


Parasyte is the eighth element in the periodic table.

Parasyte anime screenshot

Parasyte is a program that I’ve been watching for a long time.

It features a terrifying plot, as well as many heartbreaking scenes and incredible battles.

Shinichi’s evolution is really moving, as he struggles to come to grips with living with an extraterrestrial parasite that was originally out to kill him but is now collaborating with him to battle other parasites.

It’s a really sophisticated program that manages to update a manga from the 1990s.

It also includes one of the most true and authentic relationships between two young people growing up in a scary environment, among all the other fantastic things it has going for it.


7th Samurai

Samurai 7 anime

Samurai 7, based on the iconic film “Seven Samurai,” takes many of the rhythms from the original film and cranks them up to 11 on the anime dial.

Samurai 7 is a terrific trip for anybody who like a good samurai narrative, with insane action sequences that pay attention to its heritage.

It’s a timeless visual treat.


6. Stand-Alone Complex from Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex screenshot

Ghost in the Shell: SAC, oh my.

There’s so much to say about this series as a whole.

It is set in a dystopian cyberpunk future when artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed and people are debating whether they should be deemed alive or not.

It also contains some of the most thought-provoking topics, which are posed and answered in a manner that is perfectly accompanied by an incredible voice cast in both English and Japanese.

This is a fantastic anime to start with if you want to see something with a lot of depth.


5. Champloo the Samurai

Samurai Champloo anime screenshot

This is still my favorite Samurai show.

Another of Watanabe’s greats is Samurai Champloo.

It has flowing animation, a fantastic core trio of characters, and a fantastic theme music.

It’s a fantastic experience to see one of Watanabe’s programs for the first time.

I also recommend that everyone with even a passing interest in Samurai attend this show.


Cowboy Bebop is the fourth film in the Cowboy Bebop series.

Cowboy Bebop anime

Cowboy Bebop, ahh. One of the all-time greats of anime science fiction.

The plot of this anime is on finding (and coming to terms with) one’s past.

But it’s all wrapped up in such a beautiful packaging that it’s difficult not to fall in love with this program.

Spike Spiegel is one of my all-time favorite anime heroes, and his usage of Jeet Kune Do is one of the smoothest and coolest I’ve ever seen.

I’m so glad Toonami repeats this classic so often that I was able to catch up on it right away, which lead to my binge-watching the whole series the same night I watched the first episode.

I’m not sure what to say.

I’m weak, and sometimes I simply don’t want to wait a week for a program that’s as good as this.


3. 100 Mob Psycho

Mob Psycho 100 screenshot

For the following top three, we’ve got some anime that I’m not sure how to place fairly.

So feel free to re-adjust any of them in your imagination to fit your preferences better.

And Mob Psycho could easily be number two or number one for me, depending on my mood.

Despite the craziness that occurs, Mob Psycho is beautiful, and its plot is very genuine and relevant.

Mob may connect to anybody who has ever desired to better their life.

Regan can connect to anybody who wants to be trusted, even if it means putting on a mask. The list might go on forever.

It’s not only the characters that are fantastic – though that’s usually my first stop when watching a program I like.

The images, on the other hand, are absolutely wild.

Colors abound, flowing animation adorns every screen, and some of the most aesthetically appealing renderings of psychic abilities I’ve ever seen.


2. A Single Piece

One Piece anime screenshot

My favorite long-running series has to be One Piece.

I started off watching the terrible 4kids dub as a youngster and still like the program.

It’s one of the key reasons I’m a huge fan of pirates.

Toonami eventually took up the series and taught me that it was much much better than I had previously imagined.

We have great tales of pirates roaming the globe in pursuit of a famous treasure, and along the way, they have to combat individuals with strange abilities, as well as become entangled in political intrigue, conflict, and, of course, friendship.

I’d want to take a visual tour of the universe of One Piece.

Please Oda, each island is so distinct and exciting, with all kinds of amazing stories hiding around every corner. I’m pleading!

A lot of people criticize the program for being so lengthy. But, honestly, it wouldn’t be nearly as spectacular if it weren’t for the duration.

When One Piece takes its time and lets the spectator fall into the universe, it is at its finest.

The nicest part of the program is following the Straw Hats on their adventure.

And no matter how much I watch, I always want more.


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the first game in the Fullmetal Alchemist series.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime

Brotherhood in Fullmetal Alchemist is almost ideal.

It’s a bundle that’s all-inclusive in every way.

What about the characters? Deep.

What about the animation? Smooth as silk.

What’s the story? It’s both fascinating and philosophical.

Is there anything this program doesn’t do well?

Yes, but only in a limited sense.

The performance starts out a bit hurriedly… But that’s only because the original anime series, “Fullmetal Alchemist” (no Brotherhood), did a fantastic job with the first half of the plot.

It’s not a big deal, however, since anime is available for you to watch as well.

Seriously, this concert is near-perfection.

And, most importantly, it’s completed.

FMA:B is ideal if you want a program that you know is totally finished, has a tight plot, and a rich setting that draws you in and makes you want every detail.

I’ve said it a million times before, and I’ll say it again:

Go see this show if you haven’t already. It’s something you owe to yourself.

“The Ultimate Ranking – The PGR is the most popular esports ranking system in the world. It’s used by many organizations to find their next stars, and also has a huge following among players.” Reference: pgr rankings 2021.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the best player in Ultimate?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: There is no one player that stands out the most in Ultimate. All players are capable of winning a single match or multiple matches, depending on how well they play and their skill level.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is #1 ultimate smash player?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: That would be Cloud 9’s Juan “Hungrybox” Debiedma.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What rank is marss?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: The rank of a player in Beat Saber is based on the length of time it takes for them to complete their song, not the number of points they score. This means that there really isnt a rank as such.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best player in Ultimate?

A: There is no one player that stands out the most in Ultimate. All players are capable of winning a single match or multiple matches, depending on how well they play and their skill level.

Who is #1 ultimate smash player?

A: That would be Cloud 9’s Juan “Hungrybox” Debiedma.

What rank is marss?

A: The rank of a player in Beat Saber is based on the length of time it takes for them to complete their song, not the number of points they score. This means that there really isnt a rank as such.

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