Best Weapon For Conflux
With the release of the new map, we’re seeing an increase in popularity for this area. Of course, everyone’s trying to get their hands on a conflux assemblage! The question is: which weapon should you use? With all the choices out there that can maximize your odds of gaining conflux shards, it can be confusing when trying to pick a weapon. I decided to take the task of figuring out which weapon is best at getting conflux shards on my own. Using damage data for weapons provided by Monstrology, who has graciously done all the math for us already, I figured out how many shards you’re likely to get with each weapon. For this part of the study, I will only be looking at the damage-to-shards ratio and for this reason, leveling and enhancing weapons will not come into play. They might have a big impact on your success rate but I’m trying to prove one point: Which weapon is best without any external factors?
Firstly, we need to take a look at how each weapon does against specific monsters in the conflux. Since conflux monsters are very diverse in terms of damage, I decided to split them up into categories based on how much damage they deal with their basic attack.
Where is the conflux lost sector on nessus
The first category consists of monsters that deal more than 2000 damage with their basic attack. This includes the Taken Phalanx, Taken Hobgoblins, and Cabal soldiers. Monsters that fall into this category give you approximately one shard per 25-50 damage done with conflux weaponry. You’ll notice that conflux weaponry does significantly less damage to these monsters than a masterwork weapon. If you were to look up the damage-to-shards ratio for conflux against these monsters, it would be more in favor of masterwork weapons. However, this is where armor comes into play and I will get into that later.
The best weapon for conflux is the Neutron Gun
The best weapon for conflux is the Neutron Gun which you can get from Shiro while doing the quest “Opening Up The Past”. When it comes to getting ammunition, this weapon doesn’t require ammo so you only have to worry about reloading.
Another key point is that conflux weapons do bonus damage against Taken enemies so if your teammate is using a masterwork weapon and you have a conflux weapon, you should switch. Your teammate will do less damage with their masterwork but your bonus damage against the Taken enemy you are fighting will have a greater impact.
It has a fast rate of fire and can take down enemies in seconds
This weapon is best for conflux and so, I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to be effective in the new lost sector. On top of that, it deals bonus damage to both Cabal and Taken so you will have an even greater advantage with it against those enemies.
The only downside to this gun is its limited range, but it more than makes up for that with its power. It has a fast rate of fire and can take down enemies in seconds. You’ll want to make sure you don’t let the weapon overheat either since waiting for it can be very tedious at times and might cause you to lose your target if you aren’t careful.
The key to obtaining confluxes is knowing where and when they spawn, along with the type of enemies that spawn in that area. Also, remember that confluxes can be captured by anyone so you might find yourself competing with your teammates for them. This weapon does best against strong single targets like the Taken Phalanx so it’s best to focus on them while you are fighting in the lost sector. Also, remember that it does less damage against small targets so use caution when targeting Vex Hobgoblins and other small enemies.