Asteroids Recharged – A Classic Beautifully Brought Back to Life

Asteroids Recharged, a new game that recreates the classic Atari games in an asteroid mining simulation. Players mine asteroids and extract resources as they gear up to defend earth from aliens. Asteroids Recharge is set for release on Steam by the end of 2018.

The “what is an asteroid” is a classic game that was beautifully brought back to life. The game has been updated with new graphics and sounds, as well as a multiplayer mode.

Asteroids Recharged – A Classic Beautifully Brought Back to Life


Asteroids Recharged is a contemporary remake of the famous Asteroids game, which was first released in 1979. While Atari continues to distribute the game, developers Adamvision Studios and SneakyBox Studios have teamed together to create a great remake that not only maintains but also improves upon the original’s hard gameplay while also looking stunning. We blast some asteroids and get some great powerups in our analysis of the PS4 edition of Asteroids Recharged.

Asteroids Recharged brings back the traditional gameplay of surviving asteroids and dangerous UFOs deep in space while aboard a spacecraft. Turn around using the left joystick and fire with X, while Triangle teleports you to a random position on the map. You can use your boosters to move about by hitting the R2 key, but doing so is always a risk since your spacecraft continues to float for a while, and if you are not cautious, you will slam into anything and die. Apart from these restrictions, you have nothing to be concerned about. These controls seem to be simple, yet learning them is a difficult task.


In Asteroids Recharged, your primary aim is to remain alive. You have your Arcade Mode, in which you spawn solitary or in co-op with a nearby friend or family member, and you must both blast down asteroids and UFOs while surviving as long as possible. You’re out with a single hit. The same is true for your co-op partner, but in the remake, both players are in the game at the same time, and if one of them dies, the other may bring you back to life after some time has passed. Because you had to wait for player one to perish before player two could take their turn in the original game, this is a feature unique to the remake.

Aside from the basic Arcade game, there’s also the Tasks mode, which has 30 really difficult challenges. These trials begin slowly but rapidly get more difficult as you go through them. Each task you accomplish unlocks the opportunity to take on a new one. These tasks vary from killing a particular number of UFOs to living for a certain period of time. While certain tasks are repeated with more difficult circumstances, the majority of the challenges are one-of-a-kind.


You may compete with players from all around the globe to beat their times in addition to attempting to finish these tasks. Each task in the game has its own scoreboard, and you may compete in one of three categories. You have pals from all around the globe, as well as local ones. You may stick to local if you only want to beat your own scores and timings, but if you want to take the battle online, you can strive to beat the greatest players in the world or just beat a specific buddy via the Friends tab. These are the tasks where you will spend the most of your time attempting to finish them or competing against other Asteroids players from across the globe.

The aesthetics and sound design of Asteroids Recharged have been completely revamped. The graphic design of Asteroids Recharged is probably the first thing you’ll notice in the game, but it’s stunning. It’s bright and vibrant, but not to the point of becoming distracting. Everything seems to be both balanced and vivid. Since the original game was only in black and white, everything in the remake has been color-coded to make it simpler to comprehend what’s going on. This time around, there are lots of new powerups to keep things interesting, and they greatly increase your chances of achieving highscores that were previously unattainable. Power-ups like Shields that absorb incoming fire, Side Attack Shots, Rapid Fire, and a slew of others are available this time around to liven up your gameplay.


Powerup UFOs have a different hue than asteroids, and hostile UFOs have a different color than friendly UFOs. Aside from the vibrant aesthetics, the animations are fantastic. Every animation in the game is fluid and looks beautiful, including black holes consuming asteroids, asteroids exploding, varied impacts of your bullets, and destroying UFOs. The devs have done an excellent job with the aesthetics. The same may be said about the music and sound design. Megan McDuffee, an award-winning composer, wrote the music.

We’ve seen a lot of old games re-released on current consoles, and in the last two months, I’ve played around ten classic games from the early gaming periods that are now available as remakes or through emulators. Atari is doing its share by resurrecting its own old games as real current titles, and Asteroids Recharged is proof that Atari isn’t doing anything half-heartedly. Asteroids Recharged is a fantastic addition for anybody who enjoys the plethora of classic games available on contemporary systems.


The Bottom Line:

Asteroids Recharged is another another fantastic old game that has been repackaged for current systems. It keeps the original game’s difficulty while also adapting the gameplay to make it more accessible to current players. I like Atari’s commitment to the fundamental gameplay and refusal to make it any simpler with checkpoints and save systems. Asteroids was a difficult game back then, and Asteroids Recharged is still a difficult game now. To grab the top ranks on leaderboards, you’ll need to master the controls, which I enjoy. If you like old games, this is one of the classics that you should add to your collection. It’s a must-have for every vintage gamer who enjoys blasting objects in space.

8.5/10 for the overall performance.

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